Friday, March 20, 2015

Get Happy! (It's Good For Ya!)

Good afternoon, Charlotte!

In case you didn't know, it is the first day of Spring as well as International Happiness Day today! While I didn't need a badge and a soapbox to be authorized to tell you that happiness is more likely than not good for you, I am all about passing along the happiness inspiration, and this article from Yahoo! Health is a wonderful guide to different ways of finding happiness, whatever that may be.

Now I know there are probably some frown-faced sticklers out there who may be all too ready to say that happiness has absolutely nothing to do with emergency preparedness, but to you sad, sad sticklers, I say it has everything to do with helping you out in your time of need. Not only will living a happier life help you to live longer, but a sense of optimism and perhaps a little creativity may be just what you need after a disaster. Hurricane wipe out your town? Fire burn your house? Tornado literally turn your life upside down? It's not what happens that counts, but how we prepare and respond that really matters, and a great attitude can be key in a crunch.

What's my secret to happiness? Some days, caffeine, but the Yahoo! article suggests that food and drink laden with magnesium (coffee!) may actually be a mood enhancer. I know I've mentioned my wonderful desk neighbor/amateur photographer/soul sister Beth before, and she has some pretty awesome orchids that apparently have been overflowing our brains with happy chemicals without our even realizing it.

Beth's beautiful window orchid garden!

Other suggestions include volunteering. Feel free to check out the Hands On Charlotte calendar via this link if you're in the Charlotte area and are looking for a way to give back that fits in your schedule! Even more suggestions include things like having more sex (don't worry, we won't post any pictures of that on this page) and simply getting more sleep. As someone who works in an office and a restaurant and doesn't always get home until later at night, I can vouch for the need for sleep until the end of my days. At any rate, please do check out the article, crack a smile, and feel free to share what makes you happy with us so we might be able to integrate even more happiness into our own lives.

Click here to read the Yahoo! Health article with 30 different suggestions for improving your mood!

As always, stay safe, Charlotte! Share a smile with someone new today, and we promise to do the same! And because Molly and I are the two biggest diva hams I know, here's some Judy for your day.

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